Sunday, February 24, 2013

Memories Lost?

I was writing in my journal and realized I had a knack of erasing things from my past.  People, events, from my past, as if they never happened.  As if I never look back.  I never do.  I never recall and when I attempt, I honestly can not recall.  When I let go, I've let go and never turn back.  I've even done so with people on a moving forward basis.  A cleansing of the soul of disassociation's. 

I then started to question, is this poor memory?  Or is this an emotional wall, resistance is futile scenario.   I tried to recall things I had no desire of ever reliving but alas they are my past, it is my history.  But I could barely recall, and what I did was only few recollections of not good highlights. Am I that resentful of my own past that there is only now?  With only selective memories?  Is this true of all?  I wonder?  I had some great fond memories.  Where did they go??? But I find that disassociation of that fondness helps in order to move on and forward and no looking back.  Sometimes I wonder if I'm cold as stone but I know that isn't true.  Could I seriously be this blind?  Or maybe this is the greatest mechanism there is?  Hence, my ability to assess the situation cope and deal and move forward and deal and fix any situation and or let go?  OR my greatest downfall?  Is it that bad to not have memories to recall?  Or to have?  It has been driving me mad.  A close friend recently said to me "How can you seriously not remember that?"  I told her if she hadn't reminded me it was if it never existed, I just moved on.  She was blown away.  I guess I'm semi thankful for my backup hard drive friends who do recollect these select memories of my own life I've chosen to erase.

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