Thursday, January 10, 2008

Critical thinking

I never once thought that it would be easy going through life and its experiances. Well maybe I did at one time. Probably when I was eight. I say this because people every day look around them and see other people and think how wonderful it must be to be them and yet they have no idea what their battles are. It amazes me how critical the human mind really is. We look around at other people from the outside and go "look how happy, or look how easy there relationship looks, or look at how sucessful they are" and we literally have no clue what there own personal struggles are. I think it can help drives us or can break us. If you remove yourself from your surrounds and just listen and look without any real information you might say that indeed they have it all. But really we all have our own struggles and battles we all deal with daily. I listen to my close friends complain about the same things I complain about and its just odd to me hearing some of what is said. I had to take a step back and listen for example, I have a friend who I think is amazing. She is in my opinion quite pretty. I look at her and go "wow, wish i could look like that" and yet as she continues on with her own insecurities as i do with mine, and I begin to realize she has her own hidden battles she deals with. I often wonder the mens point of view on their own hidden battles. I feel ashamed to say that us girls have so much pressure on us to be a certain way, look a certain way , or even think a certain way. Its hard. Do guys have as many insecurities as we do? Do they think... "holy shit, i gotta wax my brows, get my hair done, shave my legs, do i have an ingrown hair? Oh my god, I gotta get to the gym, Im so fat I have to lose weight, do i have cellulite?" I mean thats just some of what goes on in our heads, can you imagine what we are thinking when it comes to life and careers? I don't doubt men have insecurites, but maybe looking outside it looks so easy. I just try to ground myself and accept that life has flaws at every turn. I try to not beat myself up over things, im not going to lie its hard, but even the Christain Dior models have insecurites right? :)