Wednesday, July 23, 2008

No Huge Life Lesson Here, I Assure You

What an interesting day I tell you. Today was my first day on the phone at work. I only took one call but regardless, was in a total hot sweat. How can that be from someone so out going you ask? No flippin, clue, I couldn't begin to tell you how that happened. I hope I'm cut out for this phone stuff. I mean I felt like an empty box of rocks, I know I'm not but still, felt clueless. So much training and I feel like I have not fully absorbed all the important stuff. That can't be good. In any case, after work, I went tanning, worked my bum off at the gym, which FYI I really didn't want to go tonight, but knew I had to and came home and am now playing on my new love the laptop. I love new things, such as this laptop, new sites like twitter, Pandora Radio is my new found love as well. New things come into your life and some old things leave your life. Hopefully for the better and then there are the things that are old that stay no matter what. There is no particular point in this blog but just a random update and some random thoughts. I'm pretty impressed that I have been going to the gym just about every day since I started going minus a day. Its sometimes hard to go after work I just want to be the super geek I can be and play video games and flop around, but I just convince myself its only for an hour and go, and feel so much better when I'm done. Definitely helps the attitude some what, but for the record, I am a Marron so the sarcasm still lies there.

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