Sunday, August 10, 2008


The funny thing about lies, is well, how do you know what is real and what is not? Is there a way to decipher a lie? Isn't most of life a giant lie? Is everything a lie? From the moment your a child your told lies, your lied too. Maybe not anything significant but still lies. Santa Clause, Easter bunny, tooth fairy. Everything is bright and shinny and then, then your shaken from what you once believed to be true, to the so called real world without lies that all you have known was a lie. You start to realize life isn't so shinny anymore, people die, people get hurt, people tell horrible lies, things become harder, you fall harder, its harder to pick yourself back up, and when you fall its the simple fact that no one is there to help pick you back up, and still life isn't so shinny.

The hard reality sets in chasing illusions and false hopes, that constantly haunt and torment. You lie to yourself, you lie to me. It's just that easy. One slip. I dream of a day where no more lies would ever exist and life was just as shinny as it once was believed to be, but in this shallow hollow world there is no such hope. Just move forward and accept the lie. Denial, isn't that what we do? We make ourselves believe that it's real. The lie. What ever gets us through the day. Dee-nial. If it wasn't for denial where would we all be. How in the hell would we all get through it all. The mess. This sloppy mess we call life. Denial. We deny whats true to our hearts, we deny our very own existence at times. We bleed, we shed tears that sting and we continue to deny our very own existance. Its simple if we just lie to ourselves to get through the day, if your okay for that brief moment in time then we have done a good job. It makes it that much easier to swallow that bitter pill. No one likes the color white, cause its a lie. A color so simple and pure, nothing in life is so. So I will swallow yet another denial pill to believe that life is simple and pure and we don't live in a wasteland of lies. Life is what you make it, what a slogan, who ever made it was sure as hell in denial. I want to join the denial club. I wonder who the president is, I envy them, just a little any way.

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