Wednesday, May 22, 2013

It all comes down to this.... Well part of it...

It's finally here.  It's all come down to this test tomorrow.  I must go to Griffis Park at 200pm to take my CompTIA Networking + exam.  80 questions pulled from a pool of 600 and two simulation questions. I feel sick to my stomach to be honest. I feel terrorfied.  This isn't college.  This is real life exam.  Where's the wine??? To go into vast depth of my past and why it means so much would be a pain in my ass.  I've worked so hard to get myself here. Now I'm here.  Now if I don't pass this exam what will this mean to my self worth?  I can't see the option of failing but I cannot predict what lies ahead.  Only that I know I want it so badly and I know I've tried and done my best.  I guess worst case.  I take it over again.  That would be a low blow to my ego considering my past.  Everyone has such high and hopeful expectations of myself and my brain feels like a necular power plant about to burst.  I'm not sure I see what they see... Or maybe I don't want to set my myself up. My fault lies in my frailty that I try to block it all out and be a mute with emotions.  Bahahaha..... Ya huh.


Unknown said...

You are going to do just fine. It sounds as though you have taken all the necessary steps to get through this. Have a little more faith in yourself. I know things like this are scary but you did what you were supposed to do so the law of average is on your side. I do however want to tell you that you should never ever put your self worth in passing/failing or winning/losing. Your self worth comes from the dedication and time that you put into something for the best outcome. You have done well no matter what.

I wish you the best and please +Heather Deodhar me on google and let me know how you did. When you wake up tomorrow just know you will do amazing. Don't think...know. :)

joe said...

may the net be with you

Unknown said...

Thank you so much for your kind words. Everything you said makes complete sense. Whatever the outcome I know I tried my best. I shouldn't beat myself up so much over which way it goes but it's just some of my past experiences I think that make me feel that way.

Unknown said...

Thank you so much Mezz