Paul Van Dyk - Homage
To all my love sick readers or non,
I typically do this once a year. My little rebellion against Valentines day. It's just another day, stop setting expectations that won't or can't always be met. I refuse to participate even if I had someone to participate with based on the soul facet I refuse to follow our culture in this nonsense behavior. No, I am not jealous I think romance should continue to exist instead of celebrating it with the herd of people forcing it to happen (based on my relationship and its foundation realistically), which I see typically leads to some sort of misery by the end of the day for some or most. I tend to hear more complaints about this day due to over expectations time and time again and I constantly keep reinforcing why do you keep setting these over the top Hollywood exceptions on either sides of the spectrum. It's obviously their relationship and perhaps they are often to close to the fence to see, so why don't they base this day off of their own relationships foundation they built around themselves instead of these false illusions. MIND BLOWN.
So I just listen.......
In any case... I hate it for its money making agenda, and its cruelty on the mind and of the people who have to endure hearing about it afterwards.
Who wants to be my non valentine?
And to the people who are perfectly content as they are please resume your love sick day.
Find some homage.
Your annual rave on something that you have none or absolutely nil control over.I get your point but it should not influence your moment what another wants from this day. There are 364 more days to enjoy(give or take a few, off days).
Enjoy your day, with what you want and leave the herd to follow the beaten path.
Hope your blood pressure is back to normal?
Relax and breathe and enjoy what comes next.
Yes, My Jedi Master...
I know I don't have control over it I just find it total rubbish. On that note of course I shall enjoy my day. I got my hair done already and a bottle of wine waiting for myself for later! Blood pressure has been normal. I hope you have a wonderful day as well.
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