The obnoxious cold and constant cloud cover is cramping my style. (that being said, listening to my headphones, melting under the milky way) So I'm forced to come up with creative alternate avenues. I thought about sitting in my warm car looking out the sun roof but that isn't the same (since there seems to be a constant void of nothing above me). So instead I meditate, listen in doors, exercise or find other release outlets. I like my old routine better though, I like the subtle reminder of how insignificant we really all are. It brings pain and perspective and yet I feel more alive when it happens. I guess it could be considered a little masochistic. We all have our venting, escape release. So when I feel that the weight of the world has tapped me on the shoulder,(which it has recently) I like to escape on the grass and grab the headphones and escape listening to my pain bleed out in an orchestra and stare up into that big huge universe. As the music wells up inside my soul and pounds in my chest its like a reset button, sometimes there are tears, sometimes I create and write, and of course it's also just the simple reminder that I'm just a small blip on the radar of the massive planet. Oh and did I mention the simple pleasures in life of just being? < Sometimes even for myself I feel like a load of crap. Just saying. That's probably the world tapping on my shoulder again and me trying to convince myself otherwise.
How's it working out?
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