Tuesday, March 12, 2013

How I Acquired my First NES

I got to reminiscing about old video games and how I came about owning my very first Nintendo.  I wanted one very badly but rules were that I must earn it before just getting it forked over to me.  How it came about was I remember being shy and hating going to religion class and not wanting to go.  The catholic church we went to was a mass that done in English and part in Arabic.  I remember thinking why would God want to hear the same rhetorical things every Sunday.  I think that might of gotten me shunned a little from the others.  So I had questions.  Some religion class.  I didn't want to go any longer.  But my parents wanted me to finish.  My parents presented if I went and finished and made my first communion I would get a Nintendo.  Such bribery.  So like any kid I said I would have to think about this.  I really had to weigh my options here.  I could not go and have nothing to show for it or have a Nintendo and the only person on my street to have one.  As if my parents didn't know what I would do.  I caved.  I wanted that Nintendo.  So I went to Sunday school and did my Hail Mary's and Our Father's and put on the lame little dress and put on the show on. Of course there was a family event afterwards of such accomplishments.  Let me tell you I couldn't wait till everyone was gone so I could get my hands on trying out the Nintendo for the first time.

After that I was never forced again to go to church or Sunday school and my parents where very open to what ever beliefs I would choose later in life and openly showed me other avenues.  Maybe my parents weren't overly concerned with making sure I had religion in my life.  Maybe they where just trying to instill that I follow through with something rather tossing it to the side and getting over the shyness.  Even though I got a Nintendo out of it.


Anonymous said...

Totally understandable.I went to Sunday school for a girl.I even joined the church choir to spend more time with her.Which was a good learning experience. She believed in something I could not comprehend the myth, so I moved on.

Unknown said...

Nice. Now you got me thinking about what things I did to impress a boy. I remember attempting magic the gathering and remember very quickly that it sucked and thinking if he didn't like me for who I was well, he can't be worth it at all. So I gave up on that as quickly as I started and he liked me any way, ohhhhh lucky me. *sarcasm* lol. I guess I've always done my own thing. Maybe? I can't think of specifics. At this point.