People ask me constantly, "How did you do it?" My answer I guess is simple. It'simplicity this time around my state of mind and lifestyle choices and education and lack of pressure. I don't presume to have all the answers, except for what has worked and has failed in the past for me. What has failed for me, is what I have noticed has failed for a majority. Pressure of losings weight and using terms such as dieting and focusing on the evil mechanism the scale, the do's and don'ts.
What I did is what seemed to be the fail safe approach and to great success has worked. One I educated myself and started small. It seems that when it comes to educating your self in this area somethings are overwhelming and people feel they need to go all in to make it work and its not true, do what you can in your lifestyle. Make simple lifestyle changes small or large based on your lifestyle that you can do. Any change is actually better than none at all.
What first inspired me was my cousin the model told me to watch Fat Sick and Nearly Dead. It's then I felt a personal connection to the documentary and realized a lot of obvious truths behind it. The personal connection is I was a chronic migraine suffer for years with no answers, that tried lots of avenues. I highly recommend it.
After I had watched it I spoke with my cousin about the film and he gave the greatest advice anyone could give. Which was, "Your body, the mirror and clothes will tell you everything, forget the scale. The mirror doesn't lie" So through out this journey I really retained what he said. I never once weighed myself. I only did when I had a follow up at the doctors and that's when it kinda started to make sense. It all started to really hit me when people started to comment that I really needed to go out and buy new clothes. HAHAHA. Although, I have never done the full blown juicing route due to at that time in my life I was recently laid off from a job, so I modified it. Like I said simple, lifestyle choices. I incorporated the drink Green Machine in my diet and started to have more focus on fruits and vegetables in my diet than large portions of meat. I stopped eating past 6pm and I totally axed out soda only now to occasionally have it. When you totally get ride of it you will no longer want it. But you do it slowly and I never once focused on what I was actually doing. Just made choices. Simple choices. Then I became more active, not super active but more, but I feel that making it a lifestyle change and being simple about it and not thinking about it is what has and given me the edge to not have to incorporate the working out portion to all this. Also I find that your body may be dehydrated vs actually hungry so I always have a glass of water before eating if I'm still hungry in a half hour then I'll have something. Well all know what is shit food, I stay away from fast food at all costs. So there are the mini lifestyle choices I had incorporated, and I continue and evolve everyday.
Yesterday I saw my hairdresser who I saw in September she said I drastically changed in two months since she last saw me. Sometimes it like a shock and awe value, cause you still look at yourself in the same light at times. But I'm proud of myself on so many levels. I was never highly overweight, but being overweight doesn't make us feel any better as we get older and I'm starting to feel better in my skin again, and so with a glass a wine last night I cheated and stepped on the scale to see that I'm 7lbs away from goal. Does that mean once I get to goal to stop my learned lifestyle choices? Never. I hope to not turn into a stick, ick! But to turn back to the dark side, I think not.
Positive words for your state of mind, so far.
Fighting our personal goals are the hardest things to achieve.Even while you feel like you're winning. Every battle you win brings you closer to finding peace with yourself.The war is never won, this you mentioned; you will lose a few battles along the way. Those losses are important because they revitalise your will to succeed.The only way to reach your goal is by not forcing yourself to do something you have to want lasting results.Your story is a positive one, i really hope you find the will to find your way even when the Dark Side is at its strongest.
I've had this state of mind in this journey for so long now I can't turn back or give up. I think thats why I perfer to call it a lifestyle change. It has become the normal routine. Failure is not an option, hurtles excpected of course...fucus on them my god no. It blows my mind how our minds really do work. Its so fascinating. I had failed countless times, with no desire to go down the avenue again but a small simple conversation can flick a switch or ignite something in our innermost self and boom self evolution has begun yet again
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