Sunday, April 13, 2008


I often wonder to myself, is it really a bad trait to have more faith in others and to believe that people can change? Or believe that because it's not the normal circumstances that it can't be real? I have extraordinary amount of patience with people I believe. I am apparently the most forgiving and believing person in the world I guess. People can shit on me left and right and yet I'll be pissed at you and then shrug it off. Because I will stop and think to myself is it really worth being upset about and writing you out of my life? I think not. I mean I do have a barrier, people have crossed this barrier and know exactly what my so called wrath is like, but if I do forgive them it's a one chance deal.
I know two wrongs don't make a right. But I just can't believe whether it's something to do with life, love, friends, family or not, that events, people, past and present cant change people. I just don't believe the phrase history repeats itself to the fullest. Maybe it does, but then maybe, just maybe there's that something knocks you off your feet and changes you. That's what I believe. Life is trial an it not? I just feel with my experience (what little or more I may have) and what I have been accustomed too, that if it was something bad I'd get that feeling I always do, but seriously I just dont believe I'm really that naive. As much as I want to be hopeful and optimistic, I'm also a realist. People who know me, know that I don't deal well with the sugar coated lies and that I can base a valid decision on the truth. Yea, the truth sucks. I ask nothing less but the truth. But when I make my decision off the truth I know and can admit if it's a bad one, because it's based off of truth whether it's a good choice or bad choice. Even soo, I believe with everyone and their life choices I'm the least judgy person and I try my hardest to be there.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I think that sometimes we wish people could change, want them to change, but that is not reality. I think when we find things in people that we like, we often see people for who we want them to be, and not who they really are. We overlook the bad and focus on the good... unfortunately sometimes we set ourselves up for disappointment, when we realize that the things that we overlooked my be more of an issue than we once thought they would be. Does this make you a bad person, naive, or stupid? No, I think that makes you a compassionate and human. What is harder is accepting the fact that no matter how much we want a person to be a certain way, or to change, it is not our choice. The question really becomes "Can we deal with this person, all the good AND bad?". This is different for everyone. Did you ever think that maybe what you are looking for isn't what you need?