It just keeps getting better, day in and day out as we grow closer to the holidays at the land of always low prices!
This event happens to be a personal favorite of mine.
So by now most of the population knows that Nintendo has launched their new gaming console on Nov 19th callllllleed the Wii. I had a very interesting customer try and convince me that the Nintendo Wii was not the newest system and that it is called Revolution. I tried to explain to him that Nintendo confirmed at E3 back in 2005 that the title 'Revolution' is a codename. They did not have a name for it yet, and when they did finally decide they named it Nintedo Wii.
The customer thought I was totally bullshitting them. He then tried to convince me that the Nintendo Wii was nothing but a cheep shitty version of the REVOLUTION and that the Revolution was indeed as mighty and powerful as the new PS3. Soposed to be pratically the same as PS3.
Now we all know Nintendo's style and I dont ever think they would make a system anything like the PS3, but in any case, I threw my hands up in the air and caved in, "your right sir. I dont know what I was thinking"
I seriously can't even being to tell you that when i come into work that its only the begining there. It gets wourse as the day goes by and my will for sanity weakens by the end of the day.
on that note....I miss my nintendo Wii. I feel very seperated from it. Ha! Just kidding. Lots of school work and work in general to stay focused on. BUT I will make up for it when the semester ends....I promise!
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