Thursday, November 30, 2006

The Land of Stupidity

To start I want to help paint a mental picture of where I work. First off I work for the corporate giant which everyone seems to be anti....lets put it this way, always low prices??? Which is located in a shitty little city, which isn't very much, but they call it a city any way, Utica. Within this wonderful company I work in the electronics deparment. Lucky me right? That's what I thought. I was like "Yes! I will work in a departent with cool shit and all sorts of technology that I like and am interested in!" Hmm...
My thoughts and views on this may have changed over the course of time I have spent in this store. Where I once beleived I would kind of enjoy myself, I find myself on a daily basis thinking about stabbing myself just to get the hell out of there!!! JOKING OF COURSE!
Here is the new painted picture of what it really is.
I am constantly harassed my people with no common scense, no manners and definatly no ability of helping themselves. Its like, "lets go to the alwyas low prices store where I won't have to do absolutly any thinking whatsoever!!!!!!!!!!!!" As for people who work there as well....they too also lack these things! How can a company sooo big be fun by a bunch of monkeys? It blows my mind.

In fact...
I would like to share my most annoying customer i had all day on this faboulas thursday to all of you.
I'm doing my daily thing, stocking and helping customers, (real shocker right?) and this nice lady comes up to me and asks me to help her with video games her kid wants for christmas. So as I'm helping this lady out, this rude, impatient person with no manners, decides that her time is far more valuable than mine or the customer that I'm helping and just steps in my face and interupts.
Rude customer : "Can I ask you something?"
Myself: "Sure, I'll be right with you when I'm finished helping this customer."
Rude customer: "No you see, does this computer come with a printer?"

okay...maybe she didn't understand what I said when I told her when I said I would be right with her. She's buying a computer, with a picture on it, and a discription and if she had any clue whatsoever, she would know, that the computer does not come with a printer. Does it state it anywhere on the box that it does come with one? Then no it does not.

Myself: No it doesn't
Rude customer: Whats your name so I can report you"
Thinking to myself, go right ahead, you explain to them how rude and stupid you are at the same time, and i'm sure the always low prices store will throw a 20 dollar gift card your way for your meaningless efforts.
So I just continued on helping the courtious customer I already had. She gave me mad props to my manager...go figure!


Anonymous said...

Hey I like Walmart. especially the ones with Dunkin Donuts inside! :-)

Anonymous said...

Keep writing . . . I like reading about your WalMart experiences!

Anonymous said...

Quit your whining and finish college, maybe then you will get a job you like!!!

Unknown said...

Ok, first off, if you have clue of what its like working at the land of always low prices or even shopping there--i would you see the humor in what i'm talking about!

Anonymous said...

I also work at this lovely store. I swear if I get any more attitude from people rollin out of the gutter with more kids than teeth - well, lets not use teeth, lets say fingers, they usually have more of those - cuz their food stamp card isn't working, I'm going to flip out. We get paid minimum wage to be verbally abused by customers. I, personally, would rather clean toilets than dealing with customers. There's less shit in the toilets.