Wednesday, May 22, 2013

It all comes down to this.... Well part of it...

It's finally here.  It's all come down to this test tomorrow.  I must go to Griffis Park at 200pm to take my CompTIA Networking + exam.  80 questions pulled from a pool of 600 and two simulation questions. I feel sick to my stomach to be honest. I feel terrorfied.  This isn't college.  This is real life exam.  Where's the wine??? To go into vast depth of my past and why it means so much would be a pain in my ass.  I've worked so hard to get myself here. Now I'm here.  Now if I don't pass this exam what will this mean to my self worth?  I can't see the option of failing but I cannot predict what lies ahead.  Only that I know I want it so badly and I know I've tried and done my best.  I guess worst case.  I take it over again.  That would be a low blow to my ego considering my past.  Everyone has such high and hopeful expectations of myself and my brain feels like a necular power plant about to burst.  I'm not sure I see what they see... Or maybe I don't want to set my myself up. My fault lies in my frailty that I try to block it all out and be a mute with emotions.  Bahahaha..... Ya huh.