I keep reading about how everyone is very upset about the election, where our country is heading and so forth. I'm going to try and keep this simple without pushing MY or any political party agenda. That being said...
I want to remind my disgruntled fellow Americans the first line of the Constitution say "WE THE PEOPLE"...Not We the government. It will. If you choose to do nothing or iqnore everything.
We the people need to stop having this little pitty party and arm ourselves with our education. Seems most of us already have. Most of us already have strong views. But its lacking the know how and the responsibility due to step up to the plate when we don't like something. Hence the Constitution. We talk about it constantly but do we really soak it in and utilize our abilities, We the people have?
Technology, media, busy lifestyle all there for us to distract us for the government to do as they want. WE have the ability to make a difference. WE the people have the ability to change it, We the people need to step up the game and fight for what YOU believe in. Start writting to your local congressmen, write to the sentate, start a petition. Hell start a strike if that's what it takes. But We the people like sheep give the goverment all the power with very little fight hand over fist and we either sit back and accept the changes or you make a difference whatever that is. Like busy working drones government relys on this. If you never once wrote, or voiced your opinion to your local congressmen, to the senate or any avenue you pretty much have given government all the power. So make a change, start some where is better than no where.
I leave you with this thought...
People in history who made a difference made a difference. Because they did something, they fought for what they believed in. Not because they didnt. Maybe its all time WE fought for something WE believe in.