As we go through this thing called life the people who help mold and shape and build the foundation's of our paths, I call them the pillars. We all a few or several pillars. For myself, I can count my pillars on one hand. I cherish all of them immensely. I hope they all realize that in my actions. Life sometimes feels like a snow globe. The snow is lax and settled to the bottom and everything is routine and familiar and than time and reality sneaks up on you and shakes the snow globe and whispers in your ear that nothing is forever and your heart aches and before it even happens a piece of you feels as if you've begun to die. I hate the fear it brings, the unknown but I know that I would never regret anything I've ever done because I've known my heart was right where it belonged all along. The mental head game it brings, the clocks slashing away the minutes, the seconds and its all a massive joke. What's it really all about? Every millisecond here is a gift. The ones we love. I find myself in a routine based on what is for others and not always for myself and I stop and question well if not for me then who right now? Is that little extra time for someone else going to hurt me if it makes them happy? The answer I almost find is always no and the end result is almost always the right one. The constant ciaos all the noise of bullshit I separate myself from is quite simple I have no time for it, there is no room for it so why let it ruin you. Lots of time I feel like running for shelter, sometimes I'm not even sure what point I'm trying to make. But I know that they are pillars for me and I hope I can instill that some where down the line and be as amazing.