Relationships. They are all taken for granted. Or most of the time you don't realize what you have till it's gone. Or its importance become more apparent when its compromised, or it seems to fade away in what seems like split seconds, it just vanishes. Time like a knife slashes away minute by minute, hour by hour at our lives. Till all you have is nothing but memories. But some of us are blessed with the best memories that no one could ever replace, and some of us where dealt maybe some not so pleasant cards. It never makes any sense at all. I can't help but feel that when you lose something so close to you, you change, all time stops, everything is in slow motion. How do you know when its time to adapt? How do you know when your ready? How do you prepare yourself? Even protect yourself? There is no armor in the world that can rescue us from that misery. We can only hope we have the support we need to deal and heal through the pain. Some people just never get it, and take advantage of their relationships, others value them respect them and go above and beyond for their loved ones and then there are some who just make light of what you say like its no big deal, yet they have no perspective at all what it all means. And no matter how much time you think you have, its never enough, time is a massive illusion and a mental head game. It suddenly seems that ever second has vanished even faster and you start to regret time, time that had you obligated else where or just doing something else, cause that very minute or moment could of bought you some extra time. Time and Guilt go hand in hand. I wish life was kinda like technology. Fix this, replace that, give up this to heal that, but its not. I'd give up a lot of stuff to see my friends and family not have to suffer. Time never seems to slow down when its taken things away from you, especially the important things, and all I can keep thinking about is how can we make it right. What cosmic lessons are to be learned from this? People are often fearless, until the unknown is known.