Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Its just who i am, right?
Monday, December 1, 2008
Busy Drones
Saturday, November 29, 2008
A Race
I guess in this ugly race it's steping up that makes the differance. Seperating yourself from the rest of the crowd and that ugly race. Just step to the side and let them all run past you. I don't care if anyone thinks i'm ugly, cause you don't know me, I dont care if you think you can do it better than me, I know what I'm capabile of, and I dont care if you even want to know me, biggest mistake you'd ever make. But I just don't care, i'm not here to get trampled on in the race to the glorious finish line, id rather step to the side and let you all freely by.
Sunday, November 9, 2008
Foul Taste
Here is the thing I never run and hide, from anyone or anything, and even though we all have our own demons inside, you know those foul tasting things that we never want to deal with or experience again, I never rule them out in the future. Cause maybe, just maybe, one day someone will knock you right off your feet, or anything for that matter, and maybe just maybe down the road you will end up even liking that food you avoided so much. All I know is I wouldn't want to miss out, over something we regret.
Sunday, October 26, 2008
I'm Far More Different
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
I'm Excruciatingly Tired
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
My Dissection Of A Migraine
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
A pointless rut
Monday, August 25, 2008
What A Move Did To Me
I just don't want to do it any more you know? I don't want to move any more, granted I will have to sometime, I don't want to waste money on foolish things, even though its bound to happen, I don't want to be miserable, I JUST WANT TO ACCEPT. ACCEPT MYSELF. relax and be me. FUCK CLOTHES when I can have an amazing camera which can capture the very essence of my very own life journey and the rest of the world has to offer. That's what I care about. Not clothes, accessories, style. I LIE, i still love it but its time to move on tooo something so much more meaningful. For me.
Sunday, August 10, 2008
The hard reality sets in chasing illusions and false hopes, that constantly haunt and torment. You lie to yourself, you lie to me. It's just that easy. One slip. I dream of a day where no more lies would ever exist and life was just as shinny as it once was believed to be, but in this shallow hollow world there is no such hope. Just move forward and accept the lie. Denial, isn't that what we do? We make ourselves believe that it's real. The lie. What ever gets us through the day. Dee-nial. If it wasn't for denial where would we all be. How in the hell would we all get through it all. The mess. This sloppy mess we call life. Denial. We deny whats true to our hearts, we deny our very own existence at times. We bleed, we shed tears that sting and we continue to deny our very own existance. Its simple if we just lie to ourselves to get through the day, if your okay for that brief moment in time then we have done a good job. It makes it that much easier to swallow that bitter pill. No one likes the color white, cause its a lie. A color so simple and pure, nothing in life is so. So I will swallow yet another denial pill to believe that life is simple and pure and we don't live in a wasteland of lies. Life is what you make it, what a slogan, who ever made it was sure as hell in denial. I want to join the denial club. I wonder who the president is, I envy them, just a little any way.
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
No Huge Life Lesson Here, I Assure You
Thursday, July 17, 2008
Stop Worrying About The Would Of, Could Of, Should Of's
I feel so much better about life, even though most of the time its not always a pleasant place to experience things. It's all about perception, accepting reality for all its worth, and realizing whats real and whats not and just understanding the important things and mainly loving you and accepting. There are so many things you cant control so you go with it and make the best and realize that you cant control it no matter how much you want too and then there are the few things you are in control of, take charge of those few choices and don't look back at the would of, could of, should of's, because you did what you did, accept that and understand why you did what you did. There is only one possible direction you can go and its forward.
Wednesday, July 2, 2008
My 25th Birthday Part 3 LIfe Lesson
I find now with what I have learned is I appreciate and enjoy lots of little things, more so than the huge things that I thought at one point where so much more important. For example today, I went to the beach with my uncle, cousin and sister. Then I met one of my most beloved friends at the coffee shop and just chatted away and even got to see a photo studio. I was in total awe of all the beautiful photos and all their beauty. Something so simple. Who ever said its the small things in life obviously knew what they where talking about. I think for my age, I learned that fairly early on. I cherish simple moments that just may be over looked, like the way my dog just insists on leaning on you while you pet him, or how my cat thinks no one is home and meows like someone left her behind, or how my sister makes so many faces just like mine, or how funny my other sister really is, or the things that my dad said to me that are so simple but will never leave me, and my moms home cooked meals. Just little things like playing golf with my grandfather. Or even something just as small as the mother nature and all her beauty in itself, maybe a car ride, a simple text message, a half hour visit or a phone call is priceless. I cherish these things, these priceless moments because one day there will be no more and I would rather have millions and millions of these moments than toys and accessories. My 25th birthday part 3 life lesson.
Tuesday, July 1, 2008
Monday, June 30, 2008
Larger than Life
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
The needs of the many and maybe the one?

Sunday, June 22, 2008
Chasing Illusions or Life?
As I beat my brain to a bloody pulp wondering why some people just got there niche, their calling, fallen into something, I wonder what is mine. Wasting mass amounts of time fighting with myself "what should I be doing" when other people are just fighting to live. I sound so selfish and resent it. Wondering about what? Stuff in the end, that does not define me in the end? Stuff that frankly has no particular meaning. Just bullshit.
If you can imagine this, I left my purse in a restaurant, my stomache instantly sank, my heart throbbed, and there was a huge rush of anxiety..."oh, my god, my wallet, oh my god, my ZUNE, oh my god, my camera, credit cards." I start to sweat...I called they have my purse. I rush like a crazy mad woman just to have that bag back in my hands. Then, it hits me. I'm alive right? Nothing bad has happened to me or anyone I love right? Its just a purse with belongings. Yea it would suck, losing my soooo called identity and favorite pieces of technology but I had a total nervous break down about items and things I can always get again...while people continue to struggle to hold onto the very essence of life itself. So foolish. Wish it hit me while I carelessly drove 80miles an hour just to retrieve it while being so careless with my own life over a bag and some items I love. Instead of chasing after life, we chase after the dollar, the prize, and the goods and most of the time the things that mean nothing, I want to chase after something real in life.
Thursday, June 19, 2008
My Current Situation through Photography

Also being jobless has made me realize my love for it even more so. So I had to give up some stuff. My obscene shopping habits and my love for purses and the rest of my useless shit obsessions that amount to nothing in the end. I was okay with that. It really burned my ass and it sucks but I was okay. But at least I could reason that a camera captures life, parts of my life all along the road, my camera is forever linked to capturing my life. Then when the unthinkable happened, I thought one of my most beloved computer parts (THE CARD READER) almost died on me, I was ready to throw the towel in. If the common link to bring my photos to life where taken away, and thinking about not using a camera, broke my total will. I don't think I have cried that hard in my life. But thankfully in my broken state...ha ha get it? Broken, Broke...state, I pulled it together and got it to work and that's when it hit me! What if I where stripped of everything I think I need. Cellphone....oh god it would be hard, I admit this, but I would gladly throw it in the trash for an SLR or just to hold onto my camera if it where the only thing I could have. Purses? Ehhh...another toughie, what would I carry my fabulous camera around in? Still give it up for the camera. Your aware of my obsessions, and I would trade them all for another shot of "LIFE".
Life at this current moment makes my dream of an SLR seem far across the pacific. Just not in a place or time to get one. I can accept that. So for now, I will go down the path I'm meant to go down, to learn some meaningful lesson and continue to love my little Canon Powershot that will help capture my life lesson and know that it never once let me down.
Saturday, June 14, 2008
Lately I'm just plain bored of everything. BORED, BORED, BORED....bored of going out, bored of cleaning, bored of running, bored of reading, bored of playing video games, bored of shopping, bored of all the drama including my own, bored of sleeping and eating....bla, bla, bla...I'm even bored of this very blog. The one thing I may not be bored with is my dear Canon PowerShot A560. Never lets me down.
I'm not sure if this sudden boredom is from being very much jobless. But it sucks. I hate the fact that we go to work like good little soldiers, and all we can think about most of the time is going home. Well now, I'm home, and all I kinda want to do is work? WHAT THE HELL DO PEOPLE WANT TO RETIRE FOR???? This is sheer, agony. Rubbish. I HATE WORK, I HATE NOT WORKING.
I dream of one day being a very fashionable kinda gal...(wait I already am) well still a fashionable kinda gal, that blogs all day about exciting adventures and life through the eyes of her camera. Never in one place for long and always has her handy cam and fabulous purse at her side.
Ahhh... why can't that be the American Dream?
Tuesday, June 3, 2008
Memories The Tears Are Worthy For
Friday, May 30, 2008
My Sex and the City Take

Tuesday, May 20, 2008
My Obsession Has Become My Illness
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
Cruel Practical Jokes
Saturday, May 10, 2008
Loving Yourself or is Cockiness?
This all started when I was at an unpleasant place, well its unpleasant to me, that someone said "Well don't you look all dolled up and hot today" then I thought to myself wow, why do people say stuff like that? Do I really have to have a reason for this so called dolled up hotness? Does there have to be a reason? Or can I just do it for myself? If you know me, then you know I chose the last one. MYSELF. I simply replied back with a pleasant smile and said "That's absolutely right I am." and the reaction I got was in fact the one I had predicted...the aren't we all cocky look. They don't have to even say it because I can see it all over their face, but I say this for peace of mind for them and to myself of course. "I tell him its not cockiness, its acceptance and love for ones self."
Like I said we have our good days and our bad days, but my god, the good days that do come around you bet your ass I'm going to run with them and be so called "cocky" and if you feel good about yourself why should you shy away from saying so? Be proud of who you are. Realistically, I can't say I do this for myself everyday I doubt any one can, thats why I say good days and bad days. It can't hurt though. Go ahead be "cocky"
Monday, April 21, 2008
I'm Not Wearing Any Armor
I love the fact that if your a secure enough person you can go out to dinner or to a movie with no armor on to shield the fact that your alone. Just you. There is something so lifting in all aspect of just something as simple as nice weather. Suddenly, you are spending quality time with yourself. You. Seems like we can be our own worst enemy's at times but who can be more your best friend than yourself? Your inner self, the child in you, the adult in you, its okay to bounce and run through the field, its okay to smile at something silly and its okay to be upset and its definitely okay to not have your cell phone, computers and friends to shield us.
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
What Did Cavemen Do? ? ?
To get to the point. We have alll these neat little things that are supposed to so-called better our lives and make them easier, but do they really? I mean seriously accelerated tanning, computers (can't believe I'm even saying that), chemicals in our food and drinks, gas, cell phones, flip flops, blue tooth, medical technology and the list can go on. My point here lies...I love technology and my eyes are being punished for it. They say everything in moderation, but in a world that's moving at lightning speeds how can you really? It a shitty thought to think that the thing or things you love to do only end up essentially hurting you.
Sunday, April 13, 2008
I know two wrongs don't make a right. But I just can't believe whether it's something to do with life, love, friends, family or not, that events, people, past and present cant change people. I just don't believe the phrase history repeats itself to the fullest. Maybe it does, but then maybe, just maybe there's that something knocks you off your feet and changes you. That's what I believe. Life is trial an it not? I just feel with my experience (what little or more I may have) and what I have been accustomed too, that if it was something bad I'd get that feeling I always do, but seriously I just dont believe I'm really that naive. As much as I want to be hopeful and optimistic, I'm also a realist. People who know me, know that I don't deal well with the sugar coated lies and that I can base a valid decision on the truth. Yea, the truth sucks. I ask nothing less but the truth. But when I make my decision off the truth I know and can admit if it's a bad one, because it's based off of truth whether it's a good choice or bad choice. Even soo, I believe with everyone and their life choices I'm the least judgy person and I try my hardest to be there.
Monday, March 24, 2008
I couldn’t help but wonder how time works exactly. It’s with us where ever you go. It can haunt you, it can make you eager to look forward, it can feel as if all time has stopped, it can make you feel early or late, sad or happy. Time and emotions, can be a tragic game. You know that moment where everything is just so blissful and delightful and everything seems so right and perfect you wish you could just freeze frame the entire events? And then there’s the moments when awful things happen to you like when you care about someone so much and you loose them or big tragic events that it simply feels like time has suddenly gone into slow motion and everyone around you is moving at lightening speed? I’m pretty sure you do know what I’m talking about and if you don’t I’m sorry for being far to I’m not. I just remember certain moments in my life where I wish all time would stop and I could keep that moment forever. Just hold on to it for dear life. I guess that’s why they are called memories. You hold them dear to your heart. Then there are the times where awful things happened and all I could reflect on where going back. Back to the beginning. Where everything was okay and blissful and analyzing the hell out of it to see just which way it turned wrong or just so I could relive them blissful moments.
I guess that helps us learn from the bad and be grateful for the good. But it also teaches us just how much we take for granted every day. When I lost someone recently I cared a great deal about I couldn’t help but to constantly look to the beginning over and over again. Every memory, every moment, every conversation, and the laughs the sad times and it felt all so real. Like it was all still there, you just dwell on them. Remember that slow motion thing I said earlier, yeah, this is where it starts. Everything is still moving forward and your stuck in the past, reliving pieces of your past, while time, time is still making the future. There’s a point for all of us where we have all been stuck there and then there are also the moments where we are all ready to come out of slow motion and return to real time and try and look happily into the future. I find that life is what you make it. You can either be in real time, or live in the past. You can’t predict the future. You can only hope you have gained and learned and continue to learn and seek good things and hope the future is brighter one. I am an optimist. People claim that people can’t change. Someone used to constantly try and tell me that. I never once believed it. As I look into the past and to the present of what they said I can see just how full of shit that foolish statement really is. I know how down and out feels and I tend to hang out once in awhile in the slow motion aspect of time, but god I love those moments where I pick myself up and come back to real time.
...all I know is I’m an OPTIMIST.